19 Honeyeater Court, Point Boston

Sold $95,000

Create Your Lifestyle

Point Boston is a fabulous development, approx. 15 minutes to Port Lincoln, 5 minutes to our main airport and offers not just a destination, but a lifestyle.

You will love the white sandy beaches, amazing outlooks across the harbour and renowned fishing spots and opportunity to enjoy all types of water sports.

This large allotment of some 873m2 gives you close access to the front beaches, sit back , while relaxing or entertaining.

Offering such a great opportunity to enjoy not just an awesome location but moving into a community with loads of ambition to make the most of the area to include a new Community Hall, community garden and a Men's shed being developed later in the year will be the perfect spot to catch up for a chat with other members of this community, a chance to create and utilise the facilities.

It's your chance to design your holiday, family or forever home and all about lifestyle choices.

For further information regarding this property contact Bronte George on 0428272006 or email an enquiry to bronte@kemprealestate.com.au


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